Construction time on site can be reduced to just 4 weeks per house, thus ensuring vast cost savings.




MHI developed, tested and successfully deployed an innovative and industry changing offsite volumetric build process that now serves the residential construction sector in Ireland. The founders are career construction professionals who recognised the need to improve the technologies within the industry and satisfy growing market demand.
They conducted in-depth research in offsite volumetric manufacturing facilities around the world, analysing systems in the UK, North America and Central Europe, learning about the advantages and faults of each part of the processes while developing their own innovative ‘best in class’ model process in a large factory-controlled facility in Cavan, investing heavily in technology, people and processes.
Some of the key benefits of using the Offsite Construction model versus traditional methods are as follows;
- Developers achieve significant cost savings within the areas of build cost and time savings (preliminaries, funding etc) and significant revenue gains through increased output of completed units.
- Reduced safety risk for all stakeholders by taking so much of the build process offsite and into a factory controlled environment.
- Superior quality dwelling offered to the end user by utilising quality assured standards within a factory environment.

- Off-site volumetric Low Rise residential build system allowing up to 80% construction off-site.
- Off-site volumetric High Rise residential build system allowing up to 10 storeys.

Innovation is central to everything we do